Yellow Bourbon 120hr Anaerobic - Fazenda Samambaia, Brazil

Yellow Bourbon 120hr Anaerobic - Fazenda Samambaia, Brazil

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Coffee shipped based on your usage means fresher coffee and never running out.

This is our first Direct relationship and we are so honored to have Henrique's coffees!

Fazenda Samambaia is one of the core members of the Santo Antonio Estates. This farm is both gorgeously kept and historic. Owned by the Cambraias’s since the 19th century, it’s executive operator is now Henrique Cambraia.

Processing notes from the producer: "We start this process with either coffee cherries or pulped beans at minimum Brix reading of 20 degrees. They are placed in clean plastic barrels or bags, which are sealed with an airtight valve. During 5 days we monitor the temperature in the coffee mass and ph levels as proxy indicators to follow the fermentation rate. Once the fermentation process is finished, the cherries are moved to raised beds to undergo our regular drying protocols".

Tasting Notes: Candied fruits, caramel, honey

Origin: Brazil  

Producer: Cambaria Family, Fazenda Samambaia

Altitude: 1100 masl

Cultivar: Yellow Bourbon

Process: 120hr Anaerobic Fermentation 

Harvest: June - August

We roast every Monday, Tuesday & Thursday. Orders placed by 5:00 p.m. PST the day before a roast, will be guaranteed to ship the following day. All USA orders over $50 ship for free.

We roast every Monday, Tuesday & Thursday. Orders placed by 5:00 p.m. PST the day before a roast, will be guaranteed to ship the following day. All USA orders over $50 ship for free.